Failure to Fail
An MFA Thesis Documentary
Is it the teachers who are failing the students...
...or is the education system failing the teachers?

MFA Thesis Documentary Promotional Trailer

"Failure to Fail" is an MFA thesis documentary that will embark on a compelling exploration of the reasons behind the increasing number of teachers leaving their roles. Through in-depth interviews, extensive research, and powerful personal narratives, we aim to shed light on the systemic issues plaguing our education system. By revealing the challenges faced by teachers and the subsequent impact on students, we hope to ignite a call to action and inspire change.
By supporting our project, you become an essential catalyst for positive change in the education landscape. Together, we can address the causes of teacher attrition and advocate for comprehensive reforms that will pave the way for a brighter future for both teachers and students alike.
Please consider making a donation to our "Failure to Fail" thesis documentary project. Your contribution will help us amplify the voices of those affected by the challenges within the education system, ignite conversations, and ultimately inspire actionable solutions. Together, we can reshape education and ensure a better future for all.
Thank you for your support.